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Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 8:33 am
by Andy McDandy ... -side.html

Name calling and lots about politics, which he's apparently bored with.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 8:20 am
by Andy McDandy ... craft.html

A D-Day reenactment has been cancelled. Cue the standard copy and paste job about elf and safety, starting as General Montgomery doing a stirring speech, before turning into the standard flight attendant/fairground barker spiel he does for everything.


Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 8:05 am
by Youngian
H&S assessments have been essential to cross channel invasions since the Romans landed.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:19 am
by Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 8:05 am H&S assessments have been essential to cross channel invasions since the Romans landed.
Careful now or you'll have the "200 dinghies a day" brigade out in force.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:05 am
by Youngian
Bones McCoy wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 9:19 am
Youngian wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 8:05 am H&S assessments have been essential to cross channel invasions since the Romans landed.
Careful now or you'll have the "200 dinghies a day" brigade out in force.
Farage raises an interesting question as to why the outrage has gone. Its happening on Johnson’s watch so no tabloid’s willing to fuel the outrage, is the answer. Nigel has fulfilled his usefulness so is now any old twat gobbing off to the converted on Twitter.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:23 am
by Boiler
No one is talking about this, probably because

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 8:22 am
by Andy McDandy ... oting.html

Whatever the answer to the Iarael-Palestine situation is, I doubt Richard Littlejohn is part of it. His answer, unsurprisingly, boils down to "Labour are all antisemites" and "why don't the police break a few heads?".
There’s a large body of opinion on the Left and the more extreme fringes of Islam which holds all Jews responsible for the actions of Israel. (Why? We didn’t blame the Irish for the IRA, or hold all Muslims responsible for Saddam Hussein or the Saudi government.)
Could have fooled me.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 8:44 am
by MisterMuncher
In 2009, I was in Manchester for a conference on Mass Spectrometry. The taxi driver took time to "thank" me for the extensive fertilizer-catalysed redevelopment program the IRA had carried out in the city.v

Don't blame the Irish my hairy bag

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 11:31 am
by davidjay
Littlejohn was working in Birmingham round about the time of the pub bombings. ... ks-8097490

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 12:39 pm
by Andy McDandy
And let's not forget his mentor McKenzie losing his shit over Channel 4 news covering the Marseilles attack with a presenter wearing a headscarf.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 12:43 pm
by Nigredo
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 8:20 am ... craft.html

A D-Day reenactment has been cancelled. Cue the standard copy and paste job about elf and safety, starting as General Montgomery doing a stirring speech, before turning into the standard flight attendant/fairground barker spiel he does for everything.

Sad to say I ended up giving it a page click to satisfy my professional curiosity. Completely pointless drek written by a "common sense" pub bore who's never spoken to a H&S auditor for other "common sense" pub bores who have never spoken to H&S auditors. And let's not even go into the checklist of dogwhistle nastiness.

I expect his response to Grenfell Inquiry developments would be to roll his eyes and drawl "Why didn't they just leave the building, getting away from a fire is common sense innit?"

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 1:28 pm
by Andy McDandy
IIRC he didn't even touch it. Even he could see that going after the dead, or the emergency services, would go down like a barrel of cold sick; and he couldn't take aim at the building owners or the council because of obvious reasons. He's not very brave.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue May 18, 2021 10:40 pm
by davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue May 18, 2021 1:28 pm IIRC he didn't even touch it. Even he could see that going after the dead, or the emergency services, would go down like a barrel of cold sick; and he couldn't take aim at the building owners or the council because of obvious reasons. He's not very brave.
His sort never are. They never stray far from their flat roof pubs, or golf club bars, or anywhere their views won't be challenged.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:53 am
by Andy McDandy ... ffins.html

Back from a break and taking aim at the scientists for causing holiday chaos. Scientists! Tssch, with their fancy lab coats and crazy hair!

Missing the point, obviously deliberately. Government scientific advisors do not make decisions. He's setting up this situation where any good decisions* are made by Johnson or the average person, and any bad ones by "the scientists". It's first draft of history vs tomorrow's fish wrapper again. No, all decisions are made by the same people - the government. Sometimes they will do things you disagree with. Grow up and dare to criticise them.

Other news covered includes Britt Ekland having some cosmetic surgery, a giggle about upskirting (ha ha, men being sexually harassed, isn't it a hoot?), and a look back at the halcyon days of his reporting career, when coming up with any old bollocks to justify your assignment and expenses tab was considered a fine journalistic principle. Oh, and some Dad's Army stuff.

*Good and bad having the meaning of "depending on their direct benefit to me".

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:18 am
by Andy McDandy ... eniks.html

Man who files 2 pieces of copy and pasted whinge a week from beside his home swimming pool complains about others not returning to work in offices.

As ever, wilfully not getting it. Companies that spent thousand before Covid on office space and which have maintained productivity during it, have no incentive to return to such a set-up. To put it bluntly, the office worker is not the city centre landowner's bitch.

As for his arguments, we've seen this all before. What about the poor sandwich makers? The bar staff? The burger flippers? The sad office wankers who love doing wacky office hi-jinks? Comments suggest he's really not read the room well. Aside from a few people complaining about "young people wanting everything on a plate", he's getting plenty of flak from others pointing out that when all you've got are threats of sackings to back you up, you're not in a very strong position. Also, many older workers have benefited from WFH.

He also does some half hearted "jokes" about things, and some more on the golden days of journalism, which by his own admission was staying in the pub and making shit up.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 8:55 am
by Andy McDandy ... sages.html

Littlejohn the international relations expert weighs in on the US/UK relationship, Northern Ireland, and oooh, look at those big American cars.
Naturally, Biden is concerned about preserving the Good Friday Agreement. Who isn’t, apart from a few republican and loyalist hardliners?
But this is a Disneyfied, Finnegans Wake view of the world, which tends to see Ireland from a fiddly-diddly, Free State perspective and ignores the sensibilities of those in the North who remain proud to be British red, white and blue.
Oh, and apparently the NI protocol was entirely the fault of Theresa May. Who knew?

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:28 am
by Malcolm Armsteen
Do you think Dicky has read Finnegan's Wake? I don't.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:42 am
by Andy McDandy
He may have heard the song. I doubt he realises that for a good part Joyce was railing against the exact Paddywhackery Littlejohn indulges in, and that many of his works were pleas for the Irish to get their shit together and dispense with the stereotypes.

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:50 am
by Malcolm Armsteen

I didn't know someone had set it to music.

"Finnegan's Wake, the Musical'. Lloyd-Webber would be up for it. After all, Les Mis...

Re: Richard Littlejohn is still alive

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 9:54 am
by Andy McDandy
It's a drinking song:

Raise your tankards, let's get wankered
All get in a drunken state
Wasn't it the truth I tell you
Loads of fun at Finnegan's wake?