:sunglasses: 40 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 20 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
A narrative is emerging. Johnson and Carrie Antoinette thought they had this sewn up, and did no research on what Handcock had to do to qualify (ie resign as an MP).
After some intensive lobbying Carrie Antoinette told Johnson it was a done deal, Johnson told Handcock it was 'in the bag' and Handcock, showing his usual impeccable timing, announced it to the world.

Meanwhile there was a big 'Wait, what?' from the UN and literally every African person alive. There may have been some discussion of Handcock's qualifications to run a large organisation, or at least one that does not retail whelks.

In order to save face (last seen being sucked off by his paramour) Handcock is now playing it as a choice between loyalties, and his constituency won. Well of course it did, they aren't going to sack him for incompetence, not while he keeps giving freebies and sweeteners to the Equestrian Establishment. And local pub landlords. Whereas in Africa he would have to build a whole new set of morally dubious relationships built largely on the efficiency of horse pizzles.

And he knows nothing about Ostriches.
By Bones McCoy
That'll be loyalty to the Constituency he didn't visit for almost a year, while confined to his London love nest.

I don't think Africa deserves the sort of market strengthening that Hancock has organised.
I've got this mate from the Newmarket gallops who'll ship you 7 figures of sub-par PPC.

No he's not a medical supplier, he runs my local pub.

What Central Africa really needs are some thoroughbred horse breeding facilities. Tsetse fly, never heard of it.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
The dead hand of the cock:

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... accredited

TL:DR - those labs in Wolverhampton got the gig despite never having been accredited...

Handcock said they had. They hadn't. I wonder what link will be discovered.
By RedSparrows
Private Eye are running investigations into PPE procurement et al. Not just Hancock, but he must have been one of the key people.

A shambolic, hypocritical, venal, stupid farce about sums it up. The response that this is all a response to the 'panic of the situation' only goes so far when one recalls pandemic preparedness failures, the example of Italy as a living Covid experiment, and the withering of the 'dead hand' of, uh, I dunno, the thing that manages a collective's response to crisis - hint, that's not fucking Amazon.

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By Malcolm Armsteen
Popbitch wrote:>> Han-cock up <<
Won't somebody think of the children?

Matt Hancock has complained to IPSO, asking that they clamp down on coverage of his private life after photos of a "private visit abroad" (a.k.a. a dirty weekend in Croatia) made the papers this week.

His reason for complaining is that he wants to protect his children from having to read the details of his personal life in the press. Normally we give pretty short shrift to anyone using this tired old excuse – but in fairness to Matt Hancock, he has more reason than most to hide this sort of stuff from his kids.

Not least because this recent trip appears to have taken place on the same weekend as one of his kids' birthday celebrations...
By Youngian
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:45 pm
Popbitch wrote:>> Han-cock up <<
Won't somebody think of the children?

Matt Hancock has complained to IPSO, asking that they clamp down on coverage of his private life after photos of a "private visit abroad" (a.k.a. a dirty weekend in Croatia) made the papers this week.

His reason for complaining is that he wants to protect his children from having to read the details of his personal life in the press. Normally we give pretty short shrift to anyone using this tired old excuse – but in fairness to Matt Hancock, he has more reason than most to hide this sort of stuff from his kids.

Not least because this recent trip appears to have taken place on the same weekend as one of his kids' birthday celebrations...
Paragraph One and two I read with some sympathy for Mr Hancock. Paragraph Three; laughed like a drain :lol:
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By Cyclist
Why is this news? Surely it's well known that Tories are"do as I say not as I do" type people.

Matt Hancock and his lover Gina Coladangelo were both at Downing Street's lockdown-busting cheese and wine party on the same day he told Brits to keep two metres apart, it has emerged.

The former health secretary is to be questioned in the next few days by senior civil servant Sue Gray, who is investigating whether members of the Government broke Covid restrictions at a series of parties...

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/ ... 832663.amp
Ms Coladangelo, who has reportedly indicated she is happy to be questioned over the event, was working as an unpaid adviser to Mr Hancock at the time.
That's a rather long-winded way of say "mistress".
By satnav
When they says Ms Coladangelo was working as an 'unpaid adviser to Mr. Hancock ' this seems to be a contentious issue. According to Wikipedia there was no record of how she was appointed but it also suggests she was working one day a week earning £1000 a week for her services.

Even if she wasn't on the government payroll somebody was paying her possibly a lobbying company.
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By Samanfur
Matt Hancock broke law over Tory peer Dido Harding's appointment during pandemic

Ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock broke equality law by handing Tory peer Dido Harding a top health job, the High Court has found.

Two judges ruled that Mr Hancock did not comply with a public sector equality duty in relation to appointments of Conservative peer Baroness Dido Harding and Mike Coupe to posts in 2020.

Race equality thinktank the Runnymede Trust was granted the declaration by Lord Justice Singh and Mr Justice Swift after a High Court hearing in December.
mattomac liked this
By Bones McCoy
Samanfur wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:21 pm
Matt Hancock broke law over Tory peer Dido Harding's appointment during pandemic

Ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock broke equality law by handing Tory peer Dido Harding a top health job, the High Court has found.

Two judges ruled that Mr Hancock did not comply with a public sector equality duty in relation to appointments of Conservative peer Baroness Dido Harding and Mike Coupe to posts in 2020.

Race equality thinktank the Runnymede Trust was granted the declaration by Lord Justice Singh and Mr Justice Swift after a High Court hearing in December.
So What happens next?
* Bird?
* Massive fine?
* Disqualification from office?
* Repayment of ill-gotten gains?
* Community service?
* Sweet Fuck All - and be a good boy next time?

Place bets now!
By Youngian
There’s much I don’t understand about Bitcoin but still probably know more than Matt Hancock. Its win-win for the ‘cryptocurrency champion in parliament’ as he just walks away if investors who followed his advice go bust.
As for James Melville, he’d ask for a long wait and some striped paint if Toby Young or Neil Oliver suggested it to him.
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