:sunglasses: 40.6 % :pray: 8.5 % :laughing: 30.2 % 🧥 4.7 % :cry: 12.3 % :🤗 3.8 %
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By Samanfur
I see that Mrs. Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been sentenced to another year in prison, for allegedly attending an anti-regime demonstration in London 12 years ago, and giving an interview to the BBC Persian service in the process.

It won't even distract the incompetent oaf who put her there from his book of wallpaper samples.
Boiler liked this
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By Boiler
Why should the plight of Ms. Zaghari-Ratcliffe bother him? High approval rating, likely to get re-elected. Most people outside the Westminster bubble probably don't even know who she is, or care. Just another name read out on the telly.

He'll be more bothered about stuff going on in the background, unless he's planning a pre-emptive strike on Gove and Cummings.
Sad but likely. As we saw with Malala Yousafzai, it's not much of a leap from "plucky heroine standing up to the evil regime" to "stupid bitch, what did she expect?" with the Johnson fanbase.
Tubby Isaacs, Nigredo liked this
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By Boiler
Nicked from elsewhere, on the subject of Truss on the telly:

Poster A: "The funny thing was this wasn't even Trusses biggest mess of the morning, Marr pointed out that the new UK-Australia deal will increase our exports to them by £900 million, but increase Australia's exports to us by £4.2 Billion. Liz Truss didn't see the problem."

Poster B: (and Tory faithful) "Nor, necessarily, do I. The Corn Laws apply - though Truss is no Peel."
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By Samanfur
Boiler wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:45 pm Why should the plight of Ms. Zaghari-Ratcliffe bother him? High approval rating, likely to get re-elected. Most people outside the Westminster bubble probably don't even know who she is, or care. Just another name read out on the telly.

He'll be more bothered about stuff going on in the background, unless he's planning a pre-emptive strike on Gove and Cummings.
Precisely. Whereas someone with a functioning conscience might feel even a tiny twinge of remorse.
Boiler wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:04 pm
kreuzberger wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:22 pm It has to happen and their decline will be brisk and brutal.
But in a completely non-confrontational way: who says it has to happen?
I know what you mean and, in general, I also tend to offer a more optimistic view of the world than you do. That it will all come out in the wash.

Currently, the situation is horrific - we can all agree upon that. However, more than 60% of the population not seeing Johnson & Co as a criminally corrupt enterprise is not a commentary on those people, they are not all psychos who don't give a fig so long as bad shit is happening to other people.

It, by definition, is also not all down to footballification. It is that decades of mis- and under-information have left good people with a poor understanding of what matters.

Sure, there are lazy half-wits ("they're all the same") and outright cunts ("Brexit. Pavel / Polish / Tesco") but the picture is, I think, rather more nuanced than BBC News ("nobody cares") would have us believe.
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By Boiler
kreuzberger wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:42 pm Sure, there are lazy half-wits ("they're all the same") and outright cunts ("Brexit. Pavel / Polish / Tesco") but the picture is, I think, rather more nuanced than BBC News ("nobody cares") would have us believe.
I'd venture to disagree here; sadly, I think that comment by Croxall is much more on-point than you'd think. Away from social media and activist bubbles the public sees more people getting jabbed and a country on track to return to something like it was 18 months ago by the summer. All it needs is for continental travel to open up and then, frankly - who cares what goes on in No. 10? It'll be "no skin off my nose": there'll still be a Tory in charge.
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A couple of weeks ago Boris said that lockdown and not vaccinations were responsible for bringing infection rates down. I am confident that was just after he got wind that Cummings would make it public his "bodies piled high" comment. To imply the vaccination programme and infection rates coming right down as being mere coincidence is ludicrous, not to mention a two fingers up to every single vaccination worker and volunteer who have worked wonders.
AOB wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:52 pm A couple of weeks ago Boris said that lockdown and not vaccinations were responsible for bringing infection rates down. I am confident that was just after he got wind that Cummings would make it public his "bodies piled high" comment. To imply the vaccination programme and infection rates coming right down as being mere coincidence is ludicrous, not to mention a two fingers up to every single vaccination worker and volunteer who have worked wonders.
If one stops to engage the brane, on will recall:
Lockdown one started tight, but soon became incomplete.
Lockdown 2 was incompleter.
Lochdown 3 was incompletist; at some points being difficult to tell whether it was still on or not.

Vaccination, on the other hand is approaching the critical proportion (75% or is it 80%) where it will start to press down on the R number.
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By Boiler
So... what are the chances of Hoyle having a spine implant?

From https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/p ... 37619.html
Green Party MP Caroline Lucas has warned it is “impossible” for the government to be held to account when the prime minister “systematically lies at the dispatch box with impunity”, ahead of a meeting to launch an inquiry into Boris Johnson’s conduct.

MPs from six opposition parties are meeting with the Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle on Tuesday, urging him to allow them to table a vote to refer Mr Johnson’s “consistent failure to be honest” to the committee of privileges.

The action is partly in response to a viral video that has had 13 million views and highlights some of Boris Johnson’s false or misleading statements to parliament, and which The Independent reported on earlier this month.
Considering the ongoing waste of public money (items too long to list), one regrets the lack of scrutiny.

If only there was an organisation, perhaps an alliance, with taxpayer's interests at heart.
It seems improbable that such an organisation doesn't already exist.
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