:sunglasses: 26.9 % :pray: 15.4 % :laughing: 30.8 % :cry: 26.9 %
By Youngian
Vintage Joe the gaffmeister. Sort of thing Reagan or Prince Phillip would come out with.

US President Joe Biden’s apparent suggestion his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals during World War II has sparked uproar in Papua New Guinea, casting a shadow on US relations with the Pacific nation and meeting a firm response from its leader.

In contentious remarks made last week following a visit to a war memorial, Biden twice hinted that the US was unable to recover his uncle Ambrose Finnegan’s remains after his plane crashed near the island of New Guinea during the war “because there used to be a lot of cannibals” in the region.

In a statement from his office Monday, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape conceded that Biden may have misspoken, but he pushed back against the characterization of cannibalism in the Pacific Island nation, which encompasses the eastern half of New Guinea and more than 600 nearby islands. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/24/worl ... a-intl-hnk
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By The Weeping Angel
For a senile old duffer he's actually not a bad president

https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/2 ... d-00153990
The two Senate leaders and the Biden White House developed surprisingly solid relationships with Johnson, who had to overcome his own history of opposition to Ukraine funding as a rank-and-file member to even allow a vote to come to the floor — plus a daily threat to his job security. McConnell steadily found common cause with Johnson, who “neutralized the former president on this issue,” in McConnell’s words, by appearing with Trump earlier this month and tweaking the bill.

“That changed everything,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who voted against the initial Senate bill but flipped his vote for the final legislation.

Biden directed his senior aides to employ a two-pronged strategy: privately make clear to Johnson the stakes for Europe and the rest of the world if Russian President Vladimir Putin claims Ukraine, leaning heavily on intelligence — and lay off attacking the new speaker. Counselor to the President Steve Ricchetti spoke to Johnson regularly in the month before the bill neared the president’s desk and served as Biden’s conduit to Jeffries, too.
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By The Weeping Angel
Youngian wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:50 pm Favourite to be Trump’s running mate is candid puppy killer Governor Noem of South Dakota.
'I hated that dog': Kristi Noem recalls gunning down family's 'worthless' pup https://www.rawstory.com/amp/kristi-noem-dog-2667885707
I'm not surprised she did something like this given what I know of her,
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By The Weeping Angel
Crabcakes wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:04 pm It’s almost like all that experience of actually doing deals paid off, whereas the guy from The Apprentice who’s been bankrupt multiple times would struggle to deal a hand of snap.
Yeah but he's old. Meanwhile the New York Times are mad because Biden won't do an interview with them.

By Bones McCoy
Texas man seeks to have ex-partner investigated for out-of-state abortion

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/art ... e-abortion
As soon as the US supreme court overturned Roe v Wade two years ago, anti-abortion activists started debating if and how they could limit Americans’ ability to cross state lines for legal abortions. Now, a Texas man has asked a court to greenlight an investigation into the abortion his former partner allegedly received in a state where the procedure remains legal.
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By Yug
I see the GOPs latest hat slogan is "Take America Back". The bit they're not saying out loud is "To The Seventeenth Century".

One of the more senior ones is actually looking at repealing the 19th Amendment - the one that granted women the vote.

That is one fucked-up country.
By Bones McCoy
From childhood, I believed that empathy for shipwrecked sailor was one of humanity's top distinctions.

How did we (or maybe just the septics) arrive at:

Still trapped on Baltimore ship, weeks after bridge collapse


Not "trapped" by tangled wreckage, or anything like that.
The crew, made up of 20 Indians and a Sri Lankan national, has been unable to disembark because of visa restrictions, a lack of required shore passes and parallel ongoing investigations by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and FBI.
Denied any kind of shore leave and isolated form the outside world.
According to Mr Messick, the crew has been left largely without communication with the outside world for "a couple of weeks" after their mobile phones were confiscated by the FBI as part of the investigation.

"They can't do any online banking. They can't pay their bills at home. They don't have any of their data or anyone's contact information, so they're really isolated right now," Mr Messick said. "They just can't reach out to the folks they need to, or even look at pictures of their children before they go to sleep. It's really a sad situation."
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By Crabcakes
Yug wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 9:31 pm What's this I've been hearing about a shitgibbon campaign video with a banner that said something about a "Unified Reich"?
It was literally that - the words were in the background graphics.

That and him floating that he can technically stand for a 3rd term would see pretty much anyone pre-MAGA absolutely shitcanned. For Trump it’s just another day falling asleep at the office.
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