:sunglasses: 100 %
He ran away from a fucking bulldozer.
I don’t think any man or woman ever regrets joining up.
Well, the kids at Deepcut don't, because they are dead.

The article is appalling, but it seems to be bring back national service weekend in the Mail. But seriously, it's just absolute shameless wank.
It's weird that they're talking about conscription for a fight with Russia, whose largely conscripted and distinctly non-woke army aren't exactly the fucking Adeptus Astartes* and have demonstrated their relative quality in the modern battlefield at painfully regular intervals for the last year or better.

*Being the elite super-soldier corps around which much of Warhammer 40k revolves, m'lud
Off course, his singular but undeniable "talent" is to be able to riff about the meatier headlines which are on everyone's lips.

Clowns clown, it's what they do.

The less entertaining truth is that they couldn't get a single battalion across the channel, let alone in to a potato field outside Białystok in order to face down the Vatniks who will have hacked their phones anyway. It's a logistical fantasy.

Still, at least this guff will tide us over to the Sunday papers.
Andy McDandy liked this
I note he brags about his CCF jaunts happening where today the army is training its Ukrainian counterparts. Now, I know it probably doesn't matter much but isn't this basically begging for Russia to respond? Yes, NATO mutual defence and that, and I can see why Putin wants the shitgibbon back in the White House, but that's really fucking irresponsible.
Umm, Schumacher.

Nonetheless, seeing Lardarse in a permanently vegetative state would trouble me not one jot or tittle. Can we tell him and his colour-coordinated ilk (including that Julia Jam-jar harridan as she crosses in to Switzerland) that helmets are woke?
Fucking hell. Ran it through a paywall remover, and read it, and a couple of others he's done recently.

Ski helmets and why H&S will lead to assisted suicide becoming compulsory.
Why the Garrick club ought to remain men-only, even though he was once a member and would love to admit women but very complicated, nothing can be done.
Singing the praises of his robot lawnmower. Which apparently he needs for the garden at his central London home. After the ride-on quad bike mower broke down.

Seriously, is there a bigger cunt in the world?
Youngian liked this
While millions have had a miserable winter wearing three pairs of socks indoors because they’re scared to turn the heating up, Johnson rubs his readers’ noses in it showing his jolly japes on piste. You’d think good ol bumbling Boris would break some bones skiing. But he’s had plenty of practice on the slopes all his life. Cunt.
Andy McDandy wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:06 am Fucking hell. Ran it through a paywall remover, and read it, and a couple of others he's done recently.

Ski helmets and why H&S will lead to assisted suicide becoming compulsory.
Why the Garrick club ought to remain men-only, even though he was once a member and would love to admit women but very complicated, nothing can be done.
Singing the praises of his robot lawnmower. Which apparently he needs for the garden at his central London home. After the ride-on quad bike mower broke down.

Seriously, is there a bigger cunt in the world?
Questions to which the answer is 'No'.
I don't think Starmer will take immediate action other than a pre action letter from his/Labour's lawyers. He has an election to win after all and is a bit busy. After the election, mind, when he's safely in number ten and Johnson hasn't retracted, Sue away.
Abernathy wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 8:05 pm I don't think Starmer will take immediate action other than a pre action letter from his/Labour's lawyers. He has an election to win after all and is a bit busy. After the election, mind, when he's safely in number ten and Johnson hasn't retracted, Sue away.
I, for one, would love to see Dishonest Alexander attempting to function when separated form his big cash pile.
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