:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... eally.html

"You know what, we're the best, most un-racist, welcoming, brilliant nation in the world! Our empire was better than any of yours! Fuck you, foreigners!"
By Youngian
Loved the picture of Boris chasing the dragon outside Downing Street to mark the Chinese New Year in January 2020. I think we may have worked out where he caught the Wuhan Flu ...

Not proper racism just good old English sense of humour the killjoy cultural Marxists don’t get. An irrelevant drug reference included to show how street he was in his heyday.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... iller.html

Apparently nobody in the real world gives a damn about political navel gazing, so here's a page about politicians being sent on diversity courses, plus some "ha ha, call it a personhole!" quips about PC language.

According to Dickie, the way to snuff out institutional sexism and harassment is to find an example of a strong woman, and say how she'd tackle the most obvious offenders. Which is a bit like using Batman fighting the Joker as a way to deal with low level crime.

In an actually quite funny for all the wrong reasons moment, he decides he needs to explain what a Tiller Girl is for younger readers. He invites them to think of only 50 year old reference Pan's People.

Add: he's already said that they were a dance troupe. Given how much ha bangs on about diversity, you'd think his readers wouldn't need more explanation. Still, any opportunity for a Porridge reference.
Amazonian liked this
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:11 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... iller.html

Apparently nobody in the real world gives a damn about political navel gazing, so here's a page about politicians being sent on diversity courses, plus some "ha ha, call it a personhole!" quips about PC language.

According to Dickie, the way to snuff out institutional sexism and harassment is to find an example of a strong woman, and say how she'd tackle the most obvious offenders. Which is a bit like using Batman fighting the Joker as a way to deal with low level crime.

In an actually quite funny for all the wrong reasons moment, he decides he needs to explain what a Tiller Girl is for younger readers. He invites them to think of only 50 year old reference Pan's People.

Add: he's already said that they were a dance troupe. Given how much ha bangs on about diversity, you'd think his readers wouldn't need more explanation. Still, any opportunity for a Porridge reference.
Named after his fellow anti-woke columnist Tony Personhole.
By Youngian
Being a stage dancer takes skill, hard work and dedication way beyond the capabilities of a fat fuck like LJ. But to him they’re just birds with their kit off prancing around. He seems snooty about that whole era of light entertainment apart from racist comedians. Watch an old show which showcased these acts like Wheeltappers and Shunters to see how bloody good some of them were.
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By Andy McDandy
Yes, his opening lines do suggest that anyone in that sort of costume was asking for a bit of a grope.

I've seen similar things from Anne Robinson and other women broadcasters - "In my day we just gave as good as we got and sent the lech packing!". Brilliant, good for them. Pity not everyone could, or can, do that.
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By The Red Arrow
Yebbut, read between the lines.

Pan's People...who married one of them? Yes, that's right! Robert Powell. Jesus of Nazareth himself! Directed by? Why, Franco Zefferelli. Italian. Like the Mafia trial going on right now that implicates the City of London as one big money laundering racket for a world-wide conspiracy of crime. Overseen by the U.K government. Jesus of Nazareth! Produced by? Lew Grade! Jewish financier responsible for pumping brainwashing propagana 'entertainment' to the masses via a global cartel controlling television. A blind man could see it. My mate Chalkie from North London - where I really live and mingle with genuine people that have dreams, hopes and fears just like you, honest, guv, sort of like Jesus slumming it with downtrodden and oppressed when you think about it - does.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Those wholesome comedians of yore and the 'dopey birds' trope.

I saw a documentary which alleged that Benny Hill's 'girlies' (Hill's Angels) were expected to go out to lunch with him when he asked and then show their gratitude with a bit of deep-throat action.

By Bones McCoy
The Red Arrow wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 11:51 am Yebbut, read between the lines.

Pan's People...who married one of them? Yes, that's right! Robert Powell. Jesus of Nazareth himself! Directed by? Why, Franco Zefferelli. Italian. Like the Mafia trial going on right now that implicates the City of London as one big money laundering racket for a world-wide conspiracy of crime. Overseen by the U.K government. Jesus of Nazareth! Produced by? Lew Grade! Jewish financier responsible for pumping brainwashing propagana 'entertainment' to the masses via a global cartel controlling television. A blind man could see it. My mate Chalkie from North London - where I really live and mingle with genuine people that have dreams, hopes and fears just like you, honest, guv, sort of like Jesus slumming it with downtrodden and oppressed when you think about it - does.
Nearly there, but you missed the obvious final hop from Grade to (((Soros))).
By MisterMuncher
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:46 pm Those wholesome comedians of yore and the 'dopey birds' trope.

I saw a documentary which alleged that Benny Hill's 'girlies' (Hill's Angels) were expected to go out to lunch with him when he asked and then show their gratitude with a bit of deep-throat action.

It's a pervasive attitude and cognitive blind spot for these cunts, regarding the past. If they can't remember it, or didn't hear about it, it must not have happened, and therefore isn't real. They'll try it with everything from mental health issues to child abuse.
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By Andy McDandy
Had this discussion with my partner about Doctor Who. She pointed out that the popular image of "old" DW shooting Daleks and manhandling helpless busty sidekicks out of the way - and none of this "woke" stuff, obviously! - perhaps applied only to a handful of episodes circa 1985, but to plenty of crap spoofs.

That, I think is a key point. People remember the spoofs, the Flanderised versions, the second or third hand accounts. Not the reality.
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By RedSparrows
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:54 am

That, I think is a key point. People remember the spoofs, the Flanderised versions, the second or third hand accounts. Not the reality.
A good metaphor for much of life, really. What we say about things, what we recall, what meaning we put in/take from those experiences, emotions, lessons and crises are, on a personal and societal level, never actually the same as the things themselves. Sounds obvious, but ye gods a lot of people act like either they're identical (see: gammons) or utterly disconnected (conspiracy theorists).
By MisterMuncher
It does kind of explain why he's so vocally opposed to any kind of more detailed examination of the past, particular with regards to crime etc.

It would follow that said opposition is a tacit admission that he knows it's all bollocks on some level
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